Day: February 19, 2021

The Difference Between Commercial Cleaning Services and Residential Cleaning ServicesThe Difference Between Commercial Cleaning Services and Residential Cleaning Services

It may seem obvious but it is one of the key differences between a residential cleaning business and a commercial cleaning one. The truth is that many commercial cleaning businesses really don’t clean as well as a residential cleaning business, they simply clean different items. However, those that want a residential cleaning service should work to one rather than thinking that a regular commercial one translates into a more or even cleaner clean. There are quite a few reasons why residential cleaning businesses are much better than their commercial equivalents, here we will go over some of these reasons.

residential cleaning


The Difference Between Commercial Cleaning Services and Residential Cleaning Services

One reason that residential cleaning businesses are different from commercial cleaning ones is that commercial clients do not hire janitors or any of the other various types of cleaners that you would see at a residential location. A commercial client will hire a new employee that works off shift and is there to do a specific job. This means that the residential cleaning business can afford to hire people like maids and such that can do a much better job than most commercial clients. Also, if a residential cleaning business hires a new employee and someone who was previously employed at the same location takes over this will mean that the previous employee’s job will be eliminated. This will leave the new employee with nowhere to turn for benefits and security.

Residential cleaning services can also hire people for other types of jobs that they might need to perform around the house. For example, if a residential cleaning service offers window cleaning they will not be limited to just cleaning windows. They will also be able to do things like cleaning mirrors and the tops of shelves and cabinets as well. This is because there is not always someone available in a residential cleaning services location to perform the same tasks that a larger commercial cleaning company would be able to do. Also, many residential cleaning companies offer other types of services like carpet cleaning than commercial cleaning services would be able to do and vice versa.