Internet Marketing Blog
The SEO Sorcerer of any inbound marketing blog is to educate and inform readers, showcase your brand as an expert, demonstrate thought leadership, and advance leads a little further along the Buyer’s Journey. However, if your content is a thousand words of run-on sentences compacted into gargantuan paragraphs, these goals won’t be achieved.
In a world where attention spans are shrinking, blogging articles need to be easy to read and readable in a single sitting. Some reputable sources recommend that blog posts be around 2,000 to 3,000 words long.
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This is why it’s so important to write for people first. It’s also why it is so helpful to do some basic keyword research before writing each article. This helps you find topics that have the potential to rank well for the keywords that you’re targeting. Then, you can make sure that those keywords are woven into the content in a way that makes sense.
Another popular form of the blog article is one that simply summarizes or offers a take on industry news. This can be a quick and easy way to get the word out about new products, company events, or any other timely information. This type of post can be written in third person or first depending on the audience and the tone of your business. Ultimately, it’s about choosing the perspective that best fits your ideal client and your brand. For example, if you’re a coach or other service professional, first person might be the right choice for your clientele and brand.