An electric FenceFast kit is a great way to get started with an electric fence. It includes all the necessary items to have a working fence that can keep your livestock safe from predators and other nuisance animals. A good electric fence kit will have a charger that meets the requirements of your particular type of fence as well as all the essentials for grounding and wire connections. If you are planning a longer fence, it is often better to bypass the kit option and purchase a charger and all the accessories separately.
Beyond Barbed Wire: The Modern Solution with Electric Fence Netting for Livestock and Gardens
A reliable electric fence energizer will keep your fence powered up day and night. It is important to choose a charger that can provide enough power to deter the wildlife you are trying to protect. You will also want to consider the cost of your fence, accessories and installation, especially labor costs if you are installing an above-ground electrical fence. This may be more expensive than a traditional fence since you will need to rent equipment such as trenchers, wire tensioners and post-hole diggers.
This all-in-one box electric fence kit can be installed in a matter of hours. It protects gardens, small shorelines, hobby ponds and other areas from rabbits, raccoons, ground hogs and skunks by using mild but persuasive shocks that teach the animals to stay away. It operates on AC electricity and features a convenient on/off dial, battery power indicator and a sturdy steel housing that is warranted against rust.